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International Mortgages

Strong Abogados

Strong Abogados
Balmes 177
4 2 08006  Barcelona
Tel: + 34 (0) 932 155 393
Fax: + 34 (0) 911 817 574
Website: http://www.strongabogados.com/

Strong Abogados was founded as a corporate and real estate law firm in Sevilla in 2000 by Pura Strong. In 2004, recognizing the language barriers that many of our corporate clients faced in other aspects of their business, Strong Abogados began offering accounting and payroll services. In 2005, Strong Abogados moved to Barcelona, the city most frequently chosen by foreigners establishing a business in Spain. In 2010, Strong Abogados branched out, establishing an office in Santa Cruz, Tenerife, and forming close alliances with offices in Madrid and New York.

We are committed to taking advantage of the Spanish government's latest extranet initiatives -- online services, electronic signatures, and electronic file transfer -- thereby passing on faster turnaround and reduced costs to you.

If you are interested in working at Strong Abogados, please see our careers page.

Strong Abogados is a member of the following organizations:

* International Bar Association
* Asociación de Expertos Contables y Tributarios de España (AECE)
* Association for International Arbitration (AIA)
* Il.lustre Collegi d'Avocats de Barcelona